It has been several days since I last "filled you in". Business is progressing as it should through informational meetings, bookings, etc. I am currently in Kathmandu awaiting funds to be transfered to a local bank. Once these have arrived we will establish a bank account at the only branch in the Okhaldhunga region - 1.5 hours hiking distance from where we will build the school. We have temporarily booked flights to the closest airport as well. While bus is a much cheaper option, there are other challenges that we will be confronted with - avalanches, poor road conditions, maoist rebels, etc. As a result, the most effective way for us to travel is by plane. We are scheduled to leave Kathmandu on December 15.
As for me, I am hard into my weight loss program. In an attempt to prepare my body for the several challenging months living where no tourist travels, I have begun eating "local food" in small amounts. Needless to say, the last 3 days have seen me hibernating in my hotel room trying to recover from a violent illness. It has literally knocked me off my feet, as I have little energy for moving let alone going out. My time in the mountains should be very interesting to say the least. In the meantime, eat a hamburger, eat a chocolate bar, have some chips and dip, or even have a honey brown for me ... you know I'm thinking of you!